Class B:
[super viewDidLoad];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:CView animated:YES];
除非运行在IOS7中,这段代码运行是能正常的,在IOS7中运行的结果是这样的,A视图跳转到B视图后,就定在B视图了,无法跳转到C视图,并且是保证[self.navigationController pushViewController:CView animated:YES];已经执行的情况下。同时控制台会打印信息:
Finishing up a navigation transition in an unexpected state. Navigation Bar subview tree might get corrupted.
This method is called after the view controller has loaded its view hierarchy into memory。
意思是 view controller将该视图按层次被加载进内存后执行。对解决这个问题并没有什么帮助。
The problem is that you are pushing a new view to the UINavigationController
while the first animation is still in place. If you move the Segue invocation to ViewDidAppear
you would solve the crash.
意思是:在viewDidLoad中push新视图(动画 yes)的时候,首要动画正在进行而无法进行视图切换动画。这个说法我比较赞同,因为在把动画参数设置为NO的时候,是可以达到效果的,只是没动画效果感觉不优雅。但也无法解释IOS7以外版本为什么可以正常运行。如果有人知道请留言,谢谢。